Invest in the life of a child today.

Your gift to PHILLIPS helps us fulfill our promise of CHILDREN-COMMUNITY-COMMITMENT and provide a supportive and meaningful education for K-12 students. The passion our teachers and staff have for social justice makes a powerful impact on the lives of our students and their families across Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.  Special education non-profits like PHILLIPS Programs need your help.

91 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to our children.

PHILLIPS Programs non-profit schools are respected among educational nonprofits in the metropolitan Washington DC area, providing high-quality, individualized academic instruction and behavioral health support, enrichment activities, transition services for gainful employment and independent living after graduation, and more.

If you have questions about donating to PHILLIPS Programs, contact our Development Office at 703-941-8810

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By following, liking, and sharing PHILLIPS Programs’ social media accounts, you help us spread information and stories about our organization and serve as an advocate for our students.  Please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X